Wednesday, March 29, 2006

More on the latest Chippewa Valley threat

Chippewa Valley Student Faces Felony Charges:

We have more news on the threat made at Chippewa Valley High in Michigan that I told you about here. The suspect is 17-year-old Joe Coppage and he says the threat was....wait for it....a joke.

While in science class, Coppage typed a message that said "I have a giant BOMB. I’m blowing up the school." He tried to print the message, but the printer jammed and the teacher discovered the threat.

Coppage claimed it was just a prank, but prosecutors said the message is nothing to laugh at and hope other students will get the message. They said he was angry at his teacher when he typed the message.

What does he get for his joke?

Coppage faced felony charges in court and will be tried as an adult. His bond was set at $10,000.

How funny is it now?


  1. I can't believe the school would over-react like that. Children at school can't even joke around anymore. And for the police to go along with this, I mean, come on.....this is shocking.

    They're slowly turning the country into a police state

    My friends and I have said things like that at when we were still in school, and we never thought we would go to jail for it. I don't understand what kind of society this is. I thought we had freedom of speech.

    IT'S JUST A JOKE PEOPLE, DAMN.....:evil:

  2. It's a joke, sure. Hillarious. The guy shows potential for his own sitcom.

    His joke reminds me of this other one, where a guy puts a gun to someone's head and says, "I f***ing hate you and I'm going to blow your head off!"

    That one cracks me up every time.

    The school may be overreacting, but a 17 year-old should know better. Jail time is extreme, I'll grant you, given that his threat didn't even make it to the printer... but these are sensitive times and people need to keep their "jokes" to an audience who finds them funny.

  3. hey i know him, hes a normal guy just like me and you.. hes just a class clown..the school didnt even react, the school is 2000 students and not even one was evacuated ..why?? because everyone knew it was a joke this kid has never done anything wrong and if you knew him you would be backing him up too theres no reason for him to be even trialed because it wont go any further

  4. Point taken. Every case is different. Individual circumstances vary from situation to situation. I still think it was a mistake, but if people generally understood the intent, I can see how this isn't so serious.

  5. Joe Coppage wouldn't hurt a flea. The teacher hates him and everyone knows it. Yea it was stupid and yeah he should be punished but seven years in prison? COME ON PEOPLE!! Zero Tolerance is becoming the crutch that school officials grab onto whenever they are too incompetent to educate their students. Was the school searched? Was anyone hurt at all? Joe Coppage was supposed to be arraigned on close circuit TV until the media showed up and put their two cents in. Not one account about him is accurate. Now the kid is portrayed as a criminal and has his future threatenend by a lapse in judgement. Protesting students were threatened into submission. Read up on Zero Tolerance sometime for a chilling account of what is happening to our rights. We don't have any anymore. :shock:

  6. If Andrew Osantowski, who actually had guns, only got 4 1/2 years I doubt Joe Coppage will get 7.

  7. Okay peaople, lets stop and use our brains for a minute here, oh wait... thats the reason he got in this trouble in the first place. If you really knew Joe Coppage, you would know that the kid was an idiot and is probably getting what he deserved. Honestly, what would provoke him to make such a stupid attempt at an attention-grabber, especially when our school just gained nation wide negative publicity from Andrew Osentowski. As for the whole, "free Coppage" bit, get a life. What, so you think you are your own individual because you can stand up against the school distict for punishing him; your attempts to protest (by skipping the last period and posing a "walk-out") were more like airing out a retirement home, and if you can recall, most of the cowards who wanted to make a stand floated on back to class after the assistant principal raised his voice a little bit. What happened to all the heros then, hmmm, afraid to get a ticket? It just amazes me, mob mentality. It is idiots like him, and those who attempted to protest as well, who give our school a nation wide bad-name, and as for the fact that our school is a "state-voted blue ribbon school", well, irony can be quite humorous, cant it?

  8. i totally agree with steve from number 6 and ive been saying that all along he is just a class clown and it wasnt taken seriosuly in searching the school.

  9. Well its obvious that Captain America never learned to spell in that "blue ribbon school." :razz:

    His dislike for Joe Coppage is apparent but I think his jab at the students who supported Joe is a little unfair. What does he care what others do? Those kids have the right to protest.

    It would seem he has never made a mistake in his life or done something rash on impulse. :roll:

    In my opinion, its better to take a stand for something you believe in than succumb to SHEEP mentality.

  10. your right al but what you dont know is that im a heterosexual lovemate of a 14th century prostitutes left leg which was caught in the firey flames of an unfogiving sawed off machine gun arm in which read the words "hello i am dickiers". So i apoligize everybody i am mentally retarted and afraid to put my real name on here so i will just stop now...:idea:

  11. [[FREE COPPAGE]]

    Joe Coppage dosnt deserve this at all
    In all fair ness HE IS A GOOD KID:!:

  12. the school is totally blowing this outta proportion. i kno joey he is a good friend of mine. and i kno he would never do anything like blow up a school. it was just a joke. get over it people.:x


  14. i really didnt know this person my friends brother did though
    it seems that yeah he shoudlnt have done it but his sentence
    will only make life harder on him and more diffucult to get
    through high school. I dont think that Joe was intending to
    blow up the entire school if he had that many friends and
    really no family problems. The school made the wrong decision
    a suspension would have been enough and probably a talk with his parents but to take this to the court isnt what he really needs in his life. I really think the people who serve me my administration screwed up and probably made this kids life worse wrather than giving joe guidence and sending him the the councelor or something.


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